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Bumpus Middle School

We Are Bumpus

Bumpus E-News for December 7, 2024

Posted Date: 12/07/24 (11:00 PM)

Bumpus E-news
December 7, 2024
Front of RF Bumpus Middle School
R. F. Bumpus Middle School
Other accounts to follow:
Bumpus Instagram: @RFBumpus
Bumpus Athletics Instagram: @bumpusbucsathletics
Bumpus Athletics Twitter: @BucsBumpus
PE Instagram: @bumpus_bucs_p.e
Bumpus Photo Instagram: @rfb_photo
Bumpus Photo Facebook: @BUMPUS.DIGIPHOTO
Phone: (205) 439-2200
Twitter: @RFBumpus
We are Bumpus core values
A message from our Principal
Donna Burke in front of Bumpus
This is a busy time of year. We had our iReady assessments last week, and some students still need to complete their iReady. Please check with your child to make sure they have completed both the math and reading sections of iReady. In addition to iReady, we are in our last two weeks of the semester. Students need to make sure they are completing all assignments. Our end-of-the-year assessments are also coming up on Wednesday, December 18th (SS & Math) and Thursday, December 19th (ELA & Science).

In addition to our focus on academics, we have many other activities scheduled in the next two weeks including choir concerts, band concerts, basketball games, debate competitions, wrestling matches, bowling tournaments, robotics competitions, and more. We also have our grade-level dances coming up. The 6th grade dance will be Thursday, December 12th during the school day and our 7th & 8th grade dances will be Friday evening on December 13th. More details are listed below in the ENEWS. With that in mind, it is important for our students to stay organized and use their time wisely.

The 6th Grade Dance will be next Thursday, December 12, during school hours from 2:30-3:30.  

The theme of the dance is "The Roaring Twenties."  

There is no cost to attend the dance and all 6th graders will be there!  

There will be music, games, snacks, and more. Snack Packs are available for $5.00.

Please go online to My School Fees to buy your snack pack in advance. Go to Student Fees, then SGA 6th-grade Dance  

The 6th-grade dance is going to be a ROARING GOOD TIME!
The 7th & 8th Grade Dance will be next Friday, December 13th. The theme of the dance is “Winter Wonderland” and students are encouraged to “dress your best”.

The 7th Grade Dance will be in the practice gym from 5:00-6:30. The 8th Grade Dance will be in the competition gym from 6:00-7:30.

Tickets are on sale on MySchoolFees for only $12 until Tuesday, December 10th.  After that time, tickets will be $15  at the door. 

Drop-off will be on the Bus Side (right side of the school) and Pick-up will be on the Carpool Side of the school.
Important Dates and Events
Congratulations to the Robotics Team!
Congratulations to our Bumpus Robotics Team for their efforts in Oxford, AL on Nov. 21st. Both competing teams did a great job of cooperating with teams from other schools and showing great sportsmanship.
Turner Atkins, Smith Conley, Marcel Gonzalez and Bradley Moon qualified for the finals matches and finished in the top 8. Way to go RoboBucs!
RoboBucs results from Oxford 11/21 competition
RoboBucs pic from Oxford 11/21 competition
RoboBucs pic from Oxford 11/21 competition
RoboBucs pic from Oxford 11/21 competition
Congratulations to the Jazz Band!
Congratulations to our Bumpus students who were accepted into the Alabama All-State Middle School Jazz Band! 85 schools from across the state registered for this event and around 300 applicants submitted recordings for this audition. Only 21 middle school students can be accepted to perform with this elite jazz group. 16 are from Bumpus!
All State Jazz Band
Order your Yearbook NOW!
Last day to order is December 13th
Purchase your BUC Eye yearbook on MySchoolFees today!
Last day to order!
MySchoolFees Link
Order School Pictures Online
Iron City Studios graphic
Your child's picture information was sent home with them on Thursday. You probably received an email from Iron City regarding their pictures. Please go online and order your child's photo. These make great Christmas gifts! If you have any questions regarding their photo, please contact Iron City.
PTO News
Sweet Shoppe Help Needed
Please sign-up to help with the Sweet Shoppe
Our Bumpus teachers and staff are so sweet! Let's show them some holiday cheer with a Bumpus Sweet Shoppe!
Please drop off individually sized treats in the front lobby by 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 11th.
Thank you for your help!
Sweet Shoppe
Sign-up for the Sweet Shoppe
Toys 4 Tots Donations Wanted
Toys 4 Tots information
The Roaring 20's Dance
Roaring 20's Dance
Winter Wonderland Dance
Winter Wonderland Dance information
Chaperone graphic
Chaperone Sign-Up Link
MySchoolFees Link
360 Pictures at the Winter Wonderland Dance!
Snap a photo booth pics
Holiday Dress Up Days Dec. 16-20
Holiday Dress Up Days
Community Service for December
Community service for December
Community Service Sign-Up Link
24-25 Community Service Form
Drama Club and Writing Bucs Information
Drama Club dates
Writing Bucs Info
Congratulations to the 24-25 Tennis Team!
Girls Tennis Team
Boys Tennis Team
Sports Schedules
Sports balls
For updated schedules, results, and other Bumpus Athletics information, please visit

News from the Registrar- Mrs. Stone
Registrar Graphic
Important Reminders
Dear Parents-
If you haven't signed up for the Parent Home Portal yet, please do so as soon as possible. If you need additional information, please email Mrs. Stone at

PARENT SQUARE - There are about 460 parents who have not signed up for Parent Square. Invitations were sent out Friday 9/13 so please accept the invitation and sign on to Parent Square.
From the Attendance Office- Mrs. Gordon
Attendance Matters
Regarding Parent Excuses
Please be mindful of the use of Parent Excuses, written or typed, including Anticipated Absence forms. Students are only allowed nine (9) parent excuses per school year-- and this includes Anticipated Absence forms.
Please see all of the Attendance Guidelines on the website here.
Attendance slide
Attendance Cheat Sheet
District Website for Attendance:
Please email or call (205) 439-2268 concerning and
attendance issues.
● Turn in notes WITHIN 3 DAYS OF ABSENCE in the gray boxes or to Mrs. Gordon
Notes CAN BE EMAILED as long as there is a signature (see details in the graphic above) to:
ONLY 9 PARENT EXCUSED absences per year
Anticipated Absence Forms must be turned in AT LEAST 3 DAYS PRIOR to the absence

Nine (9) total excused absences per year and (9) total excused check-ins/check-outs per
semester are the maximum number of parent notes that can be excused. Each case will be
evaluated on an individual basis. Illness, when supported by a physician verification, may be
considered as a mitigating circumstance.
Absences are excused for the following reasons:
1. Illness
2. Death in the immediate family
3. Inclement weather
4. Legal quarantine
5. Emergency conditions as determined by the Principal or Superintendent
6. Permission of Principal and consent of parents
Attendance Cheat Sheet
Link to Anticipated Absence Form
New Circool Check-in/out system
Circool info
Beginning on Monday, December 2nd, Bumpus will begin using a new visitor management system, Circool. This system will be used for check-ins, check-outs, and printing badges to enter the school. Please make sure your contact information is correct in PowerSchool! Circool syncs with PowerSchool to make setting up your account easier.

You can update your information here:

You will or may have already received an email to activate your Circool account. The subject line will read “Hoover City Schools invites you to Circool”. Please watch out for it. Follow the instructions in that email. If you’ve used Circool already, there is nothing new for you to do.
Circool Link
Reminders from the Principal
Bumpus Carpool
  • In order for students to get to class by 8:30am, it would be best for students to be dropped off by 8:25am.
  • If you prefer carpool or do not qualify for a bus, it would be great for families to “carpool” and have more than one student in the car. By doing this we could eliminate the number of cars we have in the lines. 
  • If you pick up in the afternoon carpool, it is important to close the big gaps between cars in the line. By closing the gaps, we can be much more efficient in the carpool process. 
  • If you do carpool or have other family members pick up your child– please make sure they are aware of how our carpool pick-up works. 
  • Students must stay on the sidewalks when walking to and from school.
  • Students should follow all directions given by our Crossing Guards and our School Resource Officer.
  • Students walking towards Lake Wilburn, should only walk on the sidewalk down Flemming Pkwy. Students should NOT cross Flemming.
  • Students walking towards Green Trails should stay on the sidewalk and only cross the street when directed by the Crossing Guard or our School Resource officer.
  • Students riding bikes should MUST wear bike helmets.
  • Due to the steep hill going down Flemming and the crowded sidewalks, students should walk beside their bikes and not ride down the hill.
  • Students are not allowed to ride scooters to and from school.
  • Appropriate bus behavior is crucial for the safety of all of our students who ride the bus.
  • Students should remain seated at all times and keep their hands and feet to themselves.
  • In addition, students can use their phones on the bus. However, they do not need to take pictures or videos of people who do not wish to have pictures or videos taken.
  • On the bus, students can listen to music but must use headphones.
Dropping off items
  • Parents can drop off items for students during the day if they forget items.
  • We will not be able to call students down for items such as PE clothes, assignments, sports items. If a student forgets these items, they can come down during the day to check to see if these items have been dropped off.
  • However, we will be able to call students down for lunch money or if they forgot their lunch and need to pick it up.
Water bottles
  • Students can have water bottles during the school day, but the bottles need to be clear or translucent. Students can only have water in the bottles. Metal bottles and metal cups are not allowed. In the cafeteria, students can bring and buy drinks other than water.
Parent Square Icon
Parent Square Translation Feature
Parent Square (PSQ) automatically translates the text for parents. The text language can be changed at any time by following these steps: Web Browser Directions: Log in to Parent Square. Click on your name in the top right corner. Click on "Language Settings" from the menu on the left side panel. Choose your language from the drop-down menu. Click "Save".
App Directions: Log in to the Parent Square (PSQ) App. Click the 3 lines icon in the top left corner. Click "Account" Click "Preferences"
Click "Language"
Click your preferred language
Parent Square app
Extra help apple
We have assistance available for our students during the school day which includes the following:
  1. Morning ETA (Extra Time & Assistance): 7:30-8:15 every morning in Room 110. During this time, teachers are available to assist students with assignments.
  2. Lunch ETA: 6th grade only. Students have an additional 24 minutes during the lunch period to work on assignments. Teachers are available to assist students during this time.
  3. Working Lunch: One teacher stays on the hall during lunch and allows students to eat while they work on assignments.
  4. Friday ETA: Students who do not complete assignments during the week due to absences or other reasons may be assigned to Friday ETA to complete work. If a student misses an assessment during the week, it can be made up during this time.
  5. Peer Helpers: We will have some high school peer helpers who will be coming to Bumpus and may be available to help students depending on the time they are on campus.
  6. Some teachers may offer extra help before or after school. However, they are not required to offer this time.
  7. Tutoring: If you would like your student to have one-on-one tutoring, please contact your grade-level counselor. They have a list of available tutors you can contact to set up tutoring time with your child. 
Another great resource is which provides Individualized Tutoring, Test Prep, and Job Search Assistance for Alabamians Through Homework Alabama, every Alabamian gains no-cost access to one-to-one tutoring and drop-off review services, test prep, and self-paced resources, and job search assistance. All tutors are rigorously vetted subject-matter experts. They ask questions, they encourage, and they empower. They’re available every day from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. so learners of all ages and stages can get help anytime, anywhere, from any internet-connected device. 
4 Administrators
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to email or call. If the question is specific to a teacher, email the teacher directly. If you have a general question you can email us directly or through

If you have a question email your administrator.
Ms. Donna Burke, Principal
Mr. Justin Jones, 6th-grade Asst. Principal
Mrs. Kerry Efurd, 7th-grade Asst. Principal
Mr. Sean Colosimo, 8th-grade Asst. Principal

On occasion, GOOGLE identifies certain emails as SPAM and blocks these emails. If you have sent an email to a staff member at Bumpus and have not received a response, call the main office at 205-439-2200 and leave a message for the staff member you are trying to reach.

Counseling Website for more information and mental health contacts.
Ms. Chardae Franklin - 6th-grade Counselor
Ms. Rachel Gibson - 7th-grade Counselor
Ms. Brennita Keith - 8th-grade Counselor
HCS 24-25 School Calendar
HCS Code of Conduct

[Sunday, Dec 8 at 5:28 PM]
Update of this week's E-News includes news from our PTO.