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Bumpus Middle School

We Are Bumpus

National Junior Honor Society

National Junior Honor Society

Induction Date: March 18, 2025, 9:00am

  • Membership will be based on 2nd semester of 7th grade AND 1st semester of 8th-grade year.  An overall average of 92 of all core classes--example - 90-Math, 95-LA, 91-SS, and 92-Science which is an average of 92, with no grade below 80 in any class and no "weighted" grades.
  • Averages will not be rounded up as PowerSchool grades are already rounded up.
  • Each semester will be averaged separately, so each student must have an overall average of 92 in the 2nd semester of 7th grade AND in the 1st semester of 8th grade. 
  • Invitation letters went out February 14th.
  • Students have until February 21st to apply for acceptance to the Bumpus Chapter of NJHS.
  • Acceptance letters will go out by the first week of March.
  • Accpetance letters will include-- contract of acceptance, instructions to pay $25 dues (which covers the cost of the Induction Ceremony, NJHS Membership fees, and an NJHS T-shirt for the student), a sheet to confirm 10 hours of community service due by March 14, 2025 by 3:30pm, and a sheet to check their 3rd 9 Weeks Grades due April 1st.
  • Students may gain Community Service hours by attending Bumpus Community Service Days or completing outside service within their community.
  • If a student does not complete community service hours, pay their dues, or maintain their grades at the level agreed upon by MS Principals, they will not be inducted on March 18th.