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Bumpus Middle School

We Are Bumpus

National Junior Honor Society

National Junior Honor Society

Induction Date: March 7, 2025, 9:00am

  • Membership will be based on 2nd semester of 7th grade AND 1st semester of 8th-grade year.  An overall average of 92 of all core classes--example - 90-Math, 95-LA, 91-SS, and 92-Science which is an average of 92, with no grade below 80 in any class and no "weighted" grades.
  • Averages will not be rounded up as PowerSchool grades are already rounded up.
  • Invitation letters will go out by the end of January (or a date decided by the sponsor).
  • Invitation letters will include-- contract of acceptance, instructions to pay $25 dues (which covers the cost of the Induction Ceremony, NJHS Membership fees, and an NJHS T-shirt for the student), a sheet to confirm 10 hours of community service due by March 1, 2025 by 3:30pm, and a sheet to check their 3rd 9 Weeks Grades. 
  • Students may gain Community Service hours by attending Bumpus Community Service Days or completing outside service within their community.
  • If a student does not complete community service hours, pay their dues, or maintain their grades at the level agreed upon by MS Principals, they will not be inducted on March 7.