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Bumpus Middle School

We Are Bumpus

Community Service

  • Image shows 3 girls smiling while working in the office organizing the cabinets.
  • Image shows 2 girls standing while 1 crouches on the floor in the school hallway while helping do community service.
  • Image is of 3 girls smiling in front of cabinets of office supplies as they help organize them.
  • Image shows 3 girls standing close together and smiling while performing community service.
Community Service at Bumpus
Advisors: Wendie Burbridge and Laura Stanton
  • All Forms are DUE by April 1, 2025 to Mrs. Burbridge or Mrs. Stanton. You may drop it off at the front office or drop it off on the 8-3 Hall in the Basket marked for completed Community Service Forms. 

During the school year, Community Service opportunities will be offered before and after school. You will need to sign up for a spot. Please be sure that if you sign up, you honor your commitment. Spaces are limited and if you take a spot and then do not attend, you will not be allowed to sign up or attend again.

Community Service Sign-Up Form

Community Service Awards will be given at the end of the year Awards Ceremony to any 6th, 7th, or 8th grader who serves the community for 60 outside of school hours. Any time students provide a service to a person in need (a non-family member) and receive no compensation or pay for the act, they are performing community service. 
Please be sure to read through these guidelines to ensure that your form is filled out correctly to secure your hours for the award.
  • Service provided for a core or elective class during school hours will not count as community service since students receive a grade and/or special privilege for their service.
  • Parents or family members may not sign your community service form to verify volunteer hours.
  • Please provide contact information so your service can be verified and confirmed.
  • Service can be accumulated between April 2024 and April 2025.
  • You may turn in as many forms as you need to total 60 hours. 
  • Make sure you add a total for all your hours on the back of the community service form.
  • If you have another sheet listing your hours or a letter to verify service, please attach it to the community service form.
  • If you do not get a signature for any hours listed, a printed copy of an email from the person/supervisor you helped can be attached to the community service form.
  • Peer Helping or SGA events during school hours, Bumpus Bears/Buddies, babysitting, yard work, or chores for your own home or parents cannot be considered Community Service. 
  • If the community service form is not filled out correctly it will be returned to you for completion and could hinder you from receiving your award.
  • Several students are seen placing pine straw around the bushes in the parking lot.
  • A student spreads new pine straw around the base of a tree in the parking lot.
  • A student spreads pine straw around the base of a tree in the parking lot.
  • Several students help spread pine straw around bushes in front of the school.