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Bumpus Middle School

We Are Bumpus

Bumpus E-News for March 8, 2025

Posted Date: 3/08/25 (11:00 PM)

Enews Bumpus
March 8, 2025
Front of RF Bumpus Middle School
R. F. Bumpus Middle School
Other accounts to follow:
Bumpus Instagram: @RFBumpus
Bumpus Athletics Instagram: @bumpusbucsathletics
Bumpus Athletics Twitter: @BucsBumpus
PE Instagram: @bumpus_bucs_p.e
Bumpus Photo Instagram: @rfb_photo
Bumpus Photo Facebook: @BUMPUS.DIGIPHOTO
Phone: (205) 439-2200
Twitter: @RFBumpus
We are Bumpus core values
A message from our Principal
Dear Parents/Guardians--
I sent an email to our teachers last week describing how I felt about the day…..I stole part of the title of the email from a movie, but basically it h been feeling like a whirlwind of everything and everyone doing something everywhere all at once...... softball, track, tennis, choir assessments, band assessments, assemblies, doctor's appointments, high school soccer, dentist appointments, theater, and more mixed in during and after each school day.

Yes, all of this interrupts instruction. I know it has to be very frustrating for students, teachers, and parents. Here is what we can do...... 

1. Remind students that they are responsible for missed work. Students should stay organized and keep up with their schoolwork.

2. Teachers and sponsors will continue to communicate clearly about dates and times students will miss class.  

This time of year can be overwhelming for students, teachers, and parents.  Hang in there.  

We got this!

Donna Burke
Donna Burke in front of Bumpus
Important Dates and Events
Dates and Events
Congratulations to Cadence Show Choir!
Congratulations to the Math Teams!
Math Team
Congratulations to the Scholars Bowl Team!
Scholars Bowl
Reminders for Current 6th/7th Graders
Course Requests
Course request sheets for 25-26 are due by Friday, March 14th. Current 6th and 7th graders need to turn their Course Request sheets in to their Team Teachers on or before the 14th.
6th Grade Field Trip Information
6th grade field trip
Chaperones needed
Buy School Photos from Iron City Studios
Iron City Buy School Photos
Direct Link to Iron City
Reminders from the Attendance Office
PLEASE REMEMBER! Students are allowed ONLY 9 parent excuses per school year. This includes Anticipated Absence forms. Students are supposed to submit a Doctor or Parent excuse to the Attendance Office within 3 days of return. Please see all of the Attendance Guidelines on the website here.

LOST and FOUND is getting out of control again- please have your student search for lost items on the 2nd Floor Elective Hall.
Mrs. Gordon
Attendance Secretary
Attendance Matters
Join us for the Bumpus Career Fair
Career Fair image
Bumpus Middle School will be hosting a Career Fair on Thursday, May 15, 2025. We want to highlight different careers, occupations, and professions of our surrounding community. We are looking for any families that may have information and/or experiences that they want to share. Please click on the link below to complete the google form if you have any ideas or interest in participating in this fun and exciting day! 
Career Fair Sign-Up Form
Healthy Living Tips for March
Heal March Calendar
Hydration and Sports
HEAL March 2025 Calendar
Math Team 25-26 Tryouts
Math Team Tryouts
Dance Team Spirit Wear Sale
The Dance Team still has items available for purchase from our recent Spirit Wear sale. Check out the t-shirts and sweatshirts and the sizes available. If you are interested in purchasing, please reach out to Coach Stefano @
Dance team spirit wear for sale.
Who Wants To Be In A Movie Showing Across The Country?
Casting Call for Feature Film "George"
Project Title: George 
Film Type: BUMPUS TV/FILM and A24 Studios Feature Film
Director: Mr. Noah Kinnell 
Location: US/Alabama (Travel possible)
Audition Date: Late March
We will be working with A24 Studios to create this amazing story through their new studio venture.

"George" follows the dangerous journey of a young boy named George, who bravely crosses the border into the United States from Guatemala alone in search of safety and a better life. The film explores his struggles, resilience, and the quest for belonging in a new and challenging environment.

Role Available (Additional Roles To Be Released Soon):
George (Age 10-14) (Male or Female)
Description: A courageous and resourceful kid who embarks on a perilous journey alone through rivers, forests, deserts. He must navigate the challenges of survival while holding onto hope for a brighter future.

  • Ability to portray a wide range of emotions, including fear, determination, and hope.
  • Must be comfortable with dramatic scenes and capable of conveying the innocence and strength of youth.
Seeking diversity for this role. Any nationality may audition. If you think you fit the description, please feel free to inquire!

Contact Information:
For questions or additional information, please add yourself to the Google Classroom. Code: tzchpwo
For any questions or for general interest, email Mr. Kinnell at
We encourage all interested actors to inquire about this important role! Help us bring George/Georgina’s inspiring story to life.
Casting call
Hoover HS Transition News
Rising 9th grade graphic
Course Selection Timeline for the 25-26 School Year
2025-2026 School Year
The master schedule is student-driven and based on course selections in the spring during the course selection process. In order to maximize staff and provide the smallest class sizes possible, course selection must be finalized by April 30, 2025. No changes will be made after this date. For specific questions about HHS, please contact Ms. Merrill Friday ( (A-G), Mr. Chase Hodge ( (H-O), and Mrs. Marley Stephens ( (P-Z), rising 9th-grade counselors.

March 31- April 4- Students check course verifications in PowerSchool. Administrators and counselors provide notice of schedule change
request procedures.

April 4- Close course verifications in PowerSchool. This is the last day for course selection changes with no fee.
HHS Rising 9th Graders Timeline
Community Service Information
  • March dates are currently available. Students can sign up for Cafeteria Stocking every day until the end of the year.
  • Sign up using our Community Service Google Form. Only students can access the sign-up form via their HCS email/school Chromebook.
  • Need a Community Service form? Pick one up from the hanging rack outside of A122 on the 8-3 hall-- or print it using the link posted here.
  • NJHS STUDENTS: If you need service verification from Mrs. Burbridge, please leave Blue NJHS Community Service Forms in the basket outside her door, and she will confirm hours for you and give your forms to Mrs. Parker/Mrs. Cantlay.
  • All hours gained between April 1, 2024 and April 1, 2025 can be used to receive the Bumpus Community Service Award at the end of the year.
  • Forms are due on April 1, 2025 at 3:30pm. Any forms turned in after April 1 will not be considered for the Award.
  • 60 hours are needed to receive the Award.
  • If you have any questions, please READ the directions at the top of the Community Service Form posted below.
Community Service Kids
Community Service Sign-Up Link
Counselor's Closet donations.
24-25 Community Service Form
Writing Bucs and Drama Club Information
Writing Bucs Dates
Drama Club dates
Information about HHS Yearbook Applications
HHS Yearbook applications
Cheer and Dance Tryout Information
Cheer and Dance Tryout info
Volleyball Tryouts
Volleyball Tryouts
Girls Basketball Information
Girls BB Evaluations
Spring Sports
Spring Sport Schedules
Hoover HS Color Guard Information
Color Guard Auditions
Color Guard Clinic
News from the Registrar- Mrs. Stone
Important Reminders
Dear Parents-
If you haven't signed up for the Parent Home Portal yet, please do so as soon as possible. If you need additional information, please email Mrs. Stone at

PARENT SQUARE - Parents, if you haven't signed up yet, please do so! We have about 360 parents who have not signed up.

LEASES/DEED - Parents, if you have moved or if your lease has expired please send me an updated copy of your lease or deed along with a current utility bill. Emails are being sent out monthly regarding expired leases.
Registrar Graphic
From the Attendance Office- Mrs. Gordon
Attendance Matters
Regarding Parent Excuses
Please be mindful of the use of Parent Excuses, written or typed, including Anticipated Absence forms. Students are only allowed nine (9) parent excuses per school year-- and this includes Anticipated Absence forms.
Please see all of the Attendance Guidelines on the website here.
Attendance slide
Attendance Cheat Sheet
District Website for Attendance:
Please email or call (205) 439-2268 concerning and
attendance issues.
● Turn in notes WITHIN 3 DAYS OF ABSENCE in the gray boxes or to Mrs. Gordon
Notes CAN BE EMAILED as long as there is a signature (see details in the graphic above) to:
ONLY 9 PARENT EXCUSED absences per year
Anticipated Absence Forms must be turned in AT LEAST 3 DAYS PRIOR to the absence

Nine (9) total excused absences per year and (9) total excused check-ins/check-outs per
semester are the maximum number of parent notes that can be excused. Each case will be
evaluated on an individual basis. Illness, when supported by a physician verification, may be
considered as a mitigating circumstance.
Absences are excused for the following reasons:
1. Illness
2. Death in the immediate family
3. Inclement weather
4. Legal quarantine
5. Emergency conditions as determined by the Principal or Superintendent
6. Permission of Principal and consent of parents
Attendance Policies
Link to Anticipated Absence Form
Iron City Purchase Photos
Reminders for the School Year
  • In order for students to get to class by 8:30am, it would be best for students to be dropped off by 8:25am.
  • If you prefer carpool or do not qualify for a bus, it would be great for families to “carpool” and have more than one student in the car. By doing this we could eliminate the number of cars we have in the lines. 
  • If you pick up in the afternoon carpool, it is important to close the big gaps between cars in the line. By closing the gaps, we can be much more efficient in the carpool process. 
  • If you do carpool or have other family members pick up your child– please make sure they are aware of how our carpool pick-up works. 
  • Students must stay on the sidewalks when walking to and from school.
  • Students should follow all directions given by our Crossing Guards and our School Resource Officer.
  • Students walking towards Lake Wilburn, should only walk on the sidewalk down Flemming Pkwy. Students should NOT cross Flemming.
  • Students walking towards Green Trails should stay on the sidewalk and only cross the street when directed by the Crossing Guard or our School Resource officer.
  • Students riding bikes should MUST wear bike helmets.
  • Due to the steep hill going down Flemming and the crowded sidewalks, students should walk beside their bikes and not ride down the hill.
  • Students are not allowed to ride scooters to and from school.
  • Appropriate bus behavior is crucial for the safety of all of our students who ride the bus.
  • Students should remain seated at all times and keep their hands and feet to themselves.
  • In addition, students can use their phones on the bus. However, they do not need to take pictures or videos of people who do not wish to have pictures or videos taken.
  • On the bus, students can listen to music but must use headphones.
Bumpus Carpool
Dropping off items
  • Parents can drop off items for students during the day if they forget items.
  • We will not be able to call students down for items such as PE clothes, assignments, sports items. If a student forgets these items, they can come down during the day to check to see if these items have been dropped off.
  • However, we will be able to call students down for lunch money or if they forgot their lunch and need to pick it up.
  • Students can have water bottles during the school day, but the bottles need to be clear or translucent. Students can only have water in the bottles. Metal bottles and metal cups are not allowed. In the cafeteria, students can bring and buy drinks other than water.
Water bottles
Parent Square Icon
Parent Square Translation Feature
Parent Square (PSQ) automatically translates the text for parents. The text language can be changed at any time by following these steps: Web Browser Directions: Log in to Parent Square. Click on your name in the top right corner. Click on "Language Settings" from the menu on the left side panel. Choose your language from the drop-down menu. Click "Save".
App Directions: Log in to the Parent Square (PSQ) App. Click the 3 lines icon in the top left corner. Click "Account" Click "Preferences"
Click "Language"
Click your preferred language
Parent Square app
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to email or call. If the question is specific to a teacher, email the teacher directly. If you have a general question you can email us directly or through

If you have a question email your administrator.
Ms. Donna Burke, Principal
Mr. Justin Jones, 6th-grade Asst. Principal
Mrs. Kerry Efurd, 7th-grade Asst. Principal
Mr. Sean Colosimo, 8th-grade Asst. Principal

On occasion, GOOGLE identifies certain emails as SPAM and blocks these emails. If you have sent an email to a staff member at Bumpus and have not received a response, call the main office at 205-439-2200 and leave a message for the staff member you are trying to reach.

Counseling Website for more information and mental health contacts.
Ms. Chardae Franklin - 6th-grade Counselor
Ms. Rachel Gibson - 7th-grade Counselor
Ms. Brennita Keith - 8th-grade Counselor
4 Administrators
HCS 24-25 School Calendar
HCS Code of Conduct

[Tuesday, Mar 11 at 5:41 PM]