R. F. Bumpus Middle School
Other accounts to follow:
Phone: (205) 439-2200
A message from our Principal
Our Bumpus “Moving Up” Day is Tuesday! You can access the information on this document. BUMPUS “Moving Up” Plan for 2025-26 School Year. As I said in the ENEWS the last 2 weeks, there is a lot going on. As I have said before, all of this can be stressful and cause anxiety for all of us. I want to continue to reiterate that there is so much help the school can provide for students and families during this time. Please reach out. We are here to help you.
Don’t forget to “save the date” for our Bumpus Expo on Tuesday February 18th from 5:30-7:30pm. The Expo is one of my favorite times of the year. Make sure you put it on your calendar!
Donna Burke
Important Dates and Events
Important News from the School Nurse
Scoliosis Screening set for 2/11
Parents: Our annual Scoliosis Screening is set for Tuesday, February 11th. Please note this is an OPT-IN screening.
If you would like your child to be screened you will need to refer to this link. Print and complete the form then return it to the health room. Any forms not completed correctly or not returned will result in your child NOT being screened.
Join Hoover Together on February 13th
Bumpus EXPO on February 18th!
News from the Registrar- Mrs. Stone
Dear Parents-
If you haven't signed up for the Parent Home Portal yet, please do so as soon as possible. If you need additional information, please email Mrs. Stone at cstone@hoover.k12.al.us.
PARENT SQUARE - Parents, if you haven't signed up yet, please do so! We have about 360 parents who have not signed up.
LEASES/DEED - Parents, if you have moved or if your lease has expired please send me an updated copy of your lease or deed along with a current utility bill. Emails are being sent out monthly regarding expired leases.
Reminders from the Attendance Office
Students are allowed ONLY 9 parent excuses per school year. This includes Anticipated Absence forms. Please see all of the Attendance Guidelines on the website here.
Also, there are several coats, jackets, and sweatshirts in LOST and FOUND. Please encourage your student to come by the 2nd-floor Elective hallway to look for missing items.
Mrs. Gordon
Attendance Secretary
Congratulations to Lily Hawk!
Congratulations to the Robotics Team!
The Robotics Team had an outstanding weekend on both Friday and Saturday in two separate competitions. Many of our teams finished very high in the rankings and we are proud of all that competed.
- Special Recognition goes to Lucas Ortega, Liam Schmidt, Jacob Elopre, Liam King, Londyn Spearman, and Harmony Tapley for Winning first place on Saturday and qualifying for the State Championship later this month.
- Lucas Ortega and Liam Schmidt impressed in their interview and won the Judges Award.
- Eve Carlin, Divya Nayak, Rhyan Taylor, and Aashita Sunkari had an amazing engineering notebook and brought home the Design Award.
- Ishaan Sharma, Tyson Buford, Gokul Bommu & Arsh Murad showcased their unique robot features and won the Innovate Award.
Congratulations to all our RoboBucs.
Hoover Football Mattress Fundraiser
Healthy Living Tips for February
Hoover HS Transition News
Course Selection Timeline for the 25-26 School Year
2025-2026 School Year
The master schedule is student-driven and based on course selections in the spring during the course selection process. In order to maximize staff and provide the smallest class sizes possible, course selection must be finalized by April 30, 2025. No changes will be made after this date. For specific questions about HHS, please contact Ms. Merrill Friday (mfriday@hoover.k12.al.us) (A-G), Mr. Chase Hodge (whodge@hoover.k12.al.us) (H-O), and Mrs. Marley Stephens (mstephens@hoover.k12.al.us) (P-Z), rising 9th-grade counselors, after HHS Course Curriculum Night on February 3rd. There will also be a Q&A opportunity for parents on February 4th (information below).
February 10- IB Open House- come find out all about IB opportunities at HHS.
February 12- Course selection sheets due to the student’s math teacher. Enter course requests in PowerSchool during math class.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program gives our students an advanced and well-rounded education that more than adequately sets students up for their future. We offer a full range of core classes as well as electives. Within the IB Program, there are so many fun activities and smaller programs that IB students can get involved in.
Community Service Information
- February dates are currently available. Sign up using our Community Service Google Form. Only students can access the sign-up form via their HCS email/school Chromebook.
- Need a Community Service form? Pick one up from the hanging rack outside of A122 on the 8-3 hall-- or print it using the link posted here.
- All hours gained between April 1, 2024 and April 1, 2025 can be used to receive the Bumpus Community Service Award at the end of the year. Forms are due on April 1, 2025.
- 60 hours are needed to receive the Award.
- Please follow ALL directions stated on the Community Service Form.
Writing Bucs and Drama Club Information
From the Attendance Office- Mrs. Gordon
Please be mindful of the use of Parent Excuses, written or typed, including Anticipated Absence forms. Students are only allowed nine (9) parent excuses per school year-- and this includes Anticipated Absence forms.
Please see all of the Attendance Guidelines on the website here.
attendance issues.
● Turn in notes WITHIN 3 DAYS OF ABSENCE in the gray boxes or to Mrs. Gordon
● Notes CAN BE EMAILED as long as there is a signature (see details in the graphic above) to:
● ONLY 9 PARENT EXCUSED absences per year
● Anticipated Absence Forms must be turned in AT LEAST 3 DAYS PRIOR to the absence
Nine (9) total excused absences per year and (9) total excused check-ins/check-outs per
semester are the maximum number of parent notes that can be excused. Each case will be
evaluated on an individual basis. Illness, when supported by a physician verification, may be
considered as a mitigating circumstance.
Absences are excused for the following reasons:
1. Illness
2. Death in the immediate family
3. Inclement weather
4. Legal quarantine
5. Emergency conditions as determined by the Principal or Superintendent
6. Permission of Principal and consent of parents
Important Information Links
Reminders for the School Year
- In order for students to get to class by 8:30am, it would be best for students to be dropped off by 8:25am.
- If you prefer carpool or do not qualify for a bus, it would be great for families to “carpool” and have more than one student in the car. By doing this we could eliminate the number of cars we have in the lines.
- If you pick up in the afternoon carpool, it is important to close the big gaps between cars in the line. By closing the gaps, we can be much more efficient in the carpool process.
- If you do carpool or have other family members pick up your child– please make sure they are aware of how our carpool pick-up works.
- Students must stay on the sidewalks when walking to and from school.
- Students should follow all directions given by our Crossing Guards and our School Resource Officer.
- Students walking towards Lake Wilburn, should only walk on the sidewalk down Flemming Pkwy. Students should NOT cross Flemming.
- Students walking towards Green Trails should stay on the sidewalk and only cross the street when directed by the Crossing Guard or our School Resource officer.
- Students riding bikes should MUST wear bike helmets.
- Due to the steep hill going down Flemming and the crowded sidewalks, students should walk beside their bikes and not ride down the hill.
- Students are not allowed to ride scooters to and from school.
- Appropriate bus behavior is crucial for the safety of all of our students who ride the bus.
- Students should remain seated at all times and keep their hands and feet to themselves.
- In addition, students can use their phones on the bus. However, they do not need to take pictures or videos of people who do not wish to have pictures or videos taken.
- On the bus, students can listen to music but must use headphones.
- Parents can drop off items for students during the day if they forget items.
- We will not be able to call students down for items such as PE clothes, assignments, sports items. If a student forgets these items, they can come down during the day to check to see if these items have been dropped off.
- However, we will be able to call students down for lunch money or if they forgot their lunch and need to pick it up.
- Students can have water bottles during the school day, but the bottles need to be clear or translucent. Students can only have water in the bottles. Metal bottles and metal cups are not allowed. In the cafeteria, students can bring and buy drinks other than water.
Parent Square Translation Feature
Parent Square (PSQ) automatically translates the text for parents. The text language can be changed at any time by following these steps: Web Browser Directions: Log in to Parent Square. Click on your name in the top right corner. Click on "Language Settings" from the menu on the left side panel. Choose your language from the drop-down menu. Click "Save".
App Directions: Log in to the Parent Square (PSQ) App. Click the 3 lines icon in the top left corner. Click "Account" Click "Preferences"
Click "Language"
Click your preferred language
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to email or call. If the question is specific to a teacher, email the teacher directly. If you have a general question you can email us directly or through bumpushelp@hoover.k12.al.us
If you have a question email your administrator.
On occasion, GOOGLE identifies certain emails as SPAM and blocks these emails. If you have sent an email to a staff member at Bumpus and have not received a response, call the main office at 205-439-2200 and leave a message for the staff member you are trying to reach.